
Adele Leahy Personal Stylist

Who’s Judging Who?

By Adele Leahy / January 28, 2022 / 0 Comments

  In a social setting, when I introduce myself as a stylist, the most common response is “oh, that makes sense” quickly followed up with some variation of “now I feel so judged”. Interesting. I’ve just met you and asked you what your name was and maybe what you do for a living (hence why […]

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Aesthetica Arrives

Aesthetica Arrives

By Adele Leahy / October 5, 2021 / 0 Comments

I’m having a déjà vu…I have been dreaming about setting up a transformative consulting practice for so long and now that Aesthetica Styling is launched, it feels like a place I’ve visited already. Aesthetica is the culmination of my entire career to date. I’ve lived and worked across industries and across the world. But more […]

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